
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Science
Length of the programme
36 months
ECTS credits
Level of qualification
  • Institute of Engineering
  • Groningen

Mechanical Engineering VWO a 3-year variant

Profile of the programme

This is a Bachelor’s degree with a professional orientation applied to the theory and practice of

Mechanical Engineering. The overall aim of the degree programme is to prepare students to become

qualified mechanical engineers who are able to design, make and maintain products, equipment,

machines and systems (e.g., hi-fi systems, cars, roller coasters) and to control processes (e.g.,

temperature regulation in houses and offices, production of clean drinking-water)

Learning outcomes

The graduate of the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering programme can demonstrate that s/he has

achieved the following learning outcomes:

1. Ability to analyse. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• selecting relevant information with respect to a problem statement;

• indicating possible effects on business economics, society, and the field;

• formulating a clear problem statement, goal, and task on the basis of the client’s wishes;

• drawing up a list of technical and non-technical requirements;

• modelling an existing product, process, or service.

2. Ability to design. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• thinking up and selecting solutions on the basis of the list of requirements;

• creating detailed designs on the basis of the selected solution;

• taking into account the feasibility and testability of the design;

• verifying the design on the basis of the list of requirements;

• selecting appropriate design tools;

• compiling documentation about the product, service, or process.

3. Ability to realize. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• making proper use of materials, processes, methods and standards;

• assembling components into an integral product, service, or process;

• verifying and validating the product, service or process on the basis of the list of requirements;

• documenting the realization process.

4. Ability to operate. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• implementing, testing, integrating, and commencing the operating of a new product, service, or


• contributing to operating systems and/or maintenance plans, both corrective (monitoring and

optimising) and preventive (anticipating);

• testing the performance of a product, service, or process on the basis of quality standards;

• providing feedback in case of changes in the circumstances and/or performance of a product,

service, or process.

5. Management skills. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• setting up projects, estimating the amount of time and money involved, considering and

estimating risks, setting up project documentation, and organising resources people and means);

• monitoring and adjusting activities in terms of time, money, quality, information and organisation,

• communicating task- and process-oriented;

• managing staff members, encouraging collaboration and delegating tasks;

• communicating and working together with others in a pluralistic, international and/or

multidisciplinary environment and meeting the requirements of participating in a labour organisation.

6. Ability to advise. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• imagining him/herself in the position of the client;

• clarifying the client’s need;

• translating the client’s need into technically and economically feasible solutions;

• underpinning the advice and convincing the client;

• adequately maintaining relations with clients.

7. Research skills. The graduate demonstrates this by: 

• formulating the goals of an intended research on the basis of the research question;
• independently selecting (scientific) literature and other sources of information in order to study the question in more depth, and to assess the reliability of the information sources; • summarizing, structuring and interpreting results and draw conclusions with regard to the research question;

• reporting the results according to the rules of the field; critically evaluating the selected approach on the basis of the results obtained in the study, and providing suggestions for future research.

8. Professional skills. The graduate demonstrates this by:

• independently selecting and pursuing a learning goal and strategy, and reflecting on the extent to which a learning goal has been achieved;

• having a flexible attitude in various professional duties;

• weighing the pros and cons in professional and ethical dilemmas and taking decisions that take into account generally approved values and standards;

• providing and receiving constructive feedback;

• reflecting on his/her own actions, thoughts, and results;

• using various forms and means of communication to communicate effectively in both Dutch and English.


Mechanical Engineering VWO a 3-year variantcredits

Year 3 60