
Qualification awarded
Bachelor of Laws
Length of the programme
48 months
ECTS credits
Level of qualification
Dutch, with parts in English
  • School of Law
  • Groningen

Bachelor of Laws (parttime)

Profile of the programme

Als je kiest voor HBO-Rechten, vind je het interessant om alledaagse problemen juridisch tot op de bodem uit te pluizen. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan een hotelketen die niet meer aan zijn financiële verplichtingen kan voldoen. Wat gebeurt er in dat geval met de gasten die al geboekt hebben? En hoe adviseer je een gemeente over het verlenen van een vergunning voor een groot evenement? Of een echtpaar heeft samen een goedlopend bedrijf, maar gaat scheiden. Hoe gaat het dan verder met het bedrijf?
Na grondige analyse van een juridische vraag of een probleem ben je vooral geïnteresseerd in oplossingen. Je geeft bijvoorbeeld juridisch advies over arbeidscontracten, ontslag of aansprakelijkheid, je beoordeelt juridische risico’s, je beslist op een bezwaarschrift, je maakt een verweerschrift, een contract of een akte.
Past dit bij jou? Beschik je over een goede beheersing van de Nederlandse taal, kun je goed analyseren en sta je verbaal sterk in je schoenen? Dan is HBO-Rechten iets voor jou!

Learning outcomes

- The graduate maps the facts of a current practical problem relating to a (socio-)legal issue in a methodically sound manner and on the basis of relevant theoretical insights. To this end, the graduate ranks the facts by social/legal relevance, based on which they formulate the questions of law relating to the (socio-)legal issue.
- The graduate conducts research in a methodically and theoretically sound manner to arrive at a professional product that contributes to a solution for a current practical problem relating to a (social-)legal issue.
- The student explains how they have created the professional product designed to contribute to a solution for a current practical problem relating to a (socio-)legal issue. To this end, the graduate discusses the qualities and limitations of both the professional product and the underlying practice-oriented (socio-)legal research and gives insight into the implications of the professional product for the commissioning party’s practice.

- Based on their (socio-)legal expertise, the graduate designs a professional product about which they have conferred with the client / commissioning party multiple times and which contributes to the solution of a practical problem relating to a (socio-)legal issue and thus creates value for the client’s and/or commissioning party’s day-to-day practice.
- The graduate appropriately communicates their conclusions, knowledge, reasons and considerations to the client and/or commissioning party.

Promoting interests
- The graduate can analyse conflicting interests at multiple levels.
- The graduate carefully chooses an appropriate role in order to best serve the interests of the client or organisation, taking account of their effectiveness and any ethical aspects.
- The graduate applies the chosen role and justifies the chosen course of action.
- The graduate carefully chooses an appropriate role within the consulting process in order to best serve the interests of the client or organisation, taking account of their effectiveness and any ethical aspects.

- The graduate can independently determine the legal position and identify the legal implications in a complex practical situation.
- The graduate is able to make decisions after considering the interests of multiple parties and other stakeholders.
- The graduate can explain how they arrived at their decision and weighed the various interests.

- The graduate acknowledges various interests within an organisation and the interests of the environment in which the organisation operates and adapts the actions accordingly.
- The graduate works with professionals from other disciplines.
- The graduate can compile a legal project file.
- The graduate can adequately work with the organisation's digital systems.
- The graduate schedules and monitors deadlines and take actions that stem from those.
- The graduate correctly applies the applicable laws and regulations on project files.
- The graduate can account for the accessibility, accuracy, completeness and transferability of the project file.

- The graduate anticipates changes to laws and regulations, based on an understanding of relevant political and societal developments.
- The graduate is able to clarify the implications to the organisation.
- The graduate makes valuable contributions to the practice, displaying an inquisitive and proactive attitude; this raises the profile of the graduate within the organisation.
- The graduate makes current and relevant contributions to organisational change processes affecting the position of the legal professional or legal work processes; these contributions reflect the demands of the client and stakeholders.

Professional development
- The graduate develops their professional identity by methodically reflecting on their own role as a (socio-)legal professional and on their own knowledge, skills and qualities in relation to their future profession. The graduate is aware of what is expected of them in view of their role and future profession and is thus aware of their qualities and points for development. The graduate renders account for this verbally and in writing.
- The graduate develops their professional identity by showing they have a vision on their own role as a competent (socio-)legal professional in the context of their own position, the organisation (where they do their graduation project), their (graduation project) team and society. The graduate renders account for this verbally and in writing.
- The graduate develops their professional identity by positioning themselves and building their profile as a (socio-)legal professional who acts responsibly in relation to the quality of their own work and in relation to  the organisation (where they do their graduation project), their (graduation project) team and society.
- The graduate develops their professional identity by positioning themselves and building their profile as a self-managing (socio-)legal professional who collaborates (across disciplines) and is enterprising in the organisation (where they do their graduation project) and in their (graduation project) team.


Bachelor of Laws (parttime)credits

Semester 6 30

  • Electives 30

Semester 7 30

Semester 8 30