Course: Brand Management credits: 2

Course code
Brand Management
Study year
ECTS credits
H. Meijer
Modes of delivery
  • Assignment
  • Lecture
  • Brand Management - Computer, organised by STAD examinations

Learning outcomes

  • SETTING A COURSE; The Marketing professional maps out a marketing approach. He/she does this based on his/her vision, opportunities he/she identifies in the market and the long-term competitive advantage of the organisation where he/she works. Because he/she does not work within a vacuum, the Marketing professional is a bridge-builder who connects both knowledge and people.
21st-century skills:
  • Commercial awareness
  • Curiosity
  • Critical thinking
Learning Outcomes:
The student is able to:
  1. explain the role of brands, the advantages of creating strong brands and the sources of brand equity;
  2. explain the four components of brand positioning according to Lane Keller and the guidelines for brand positioning (including the brand mantra) and apply this knowledge by analysing existing brands;
  3. explain and identify the four steps in brand building resonance (also known as the CBBE model) and the stages in the Brand value chain;
  4. apply the CBBE-model for the analysis and evaluation of existing brands;
  5. explain the guidelines and criteria for implementing the brand strategy in choices for the marketing program (specifically for choosing brand elements and leveraging secondary associations);
  6. identify different approaches to measuring brand equity;
  7. explain and evaluate the key components of brand architecture strategy and brand portfolios; 
  8. explain the different types of brand extensions and analyse the main advantages and disadvantages of brand extensions



Brands are everywhere, but what makes a brand strong? Strategic brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programmes and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity. Brand models and theory are combined with case studies/assignments.
Increased competition, fast changing markets; media transformation and savvy consumers have made it more difficult for organisations in recent years to gain a distinctive, positive and unique position in the minds of their consumers. Implementing a clear and effective brand strategy can expand business opportunities, because creating and nurturing a strong brand or brand portfolio can be one of the most valuable assets for a company. Not only for manufacturers of products, but also for services like airline companies or banks, non-profit organisations like schools or hospitals, geographical locations like cities, or even persons. Also for consumers, a brand can play an important role. 
In this course the focus is on the meaning of ‘brand equity’ for companies and consumers, and what the components are for building strong brands and the steps and guidelines for designing and implementing a brand strategy are being explained and evaluated.

Literature/study materials:
  • For Marketing Management Bachelor Programme student: For the latest info, go to the reading list on intranet: or the Blackboard course.
  • For Exchange Students/Certificate Students: For the latest info, go to the reading list on intranet: or the Blackboard course.


Included in programme(s)


  • School of Marketing Management and Financial Economic Management