Course: Media, Materials & Makers credits: 5

Course code
Media, Materials & Makers
Study year
ECTS credits
M.W. Kaldenhoven
Modes of delivery
  • Action learning
  • Assignment
  • Guest lecture
  • Lecture
  • Peer feedback
  • Problem-based learning
  • Project-based learning
  • TEST-01 - Assessment

Learning outcomes

The graduates of the study programme MADtech, Painting and iRAP
Making & Conceptualising  
  • generate ideas, develop artistic processes and prototypes, contributing to collaborative research plans.   
Experimenting, Innovating & Researching   
  • develop artistic experiments that provide new approaches, awareness and insight to the research group.  
  • gain an understanding of existing (artistic) research in domains studied for the course and the current debate on ‘research in the arts’  
  • develop an investigative attitude in relation to their own and shared artistic practice(s).   
  • experience that and how their artistic making has the potential of being a research method in interdisciplinary settings  
 Theories, Histories & Cultures  
  • gain knowledge of the methods, materials and media in the arts, especially related to current developments e.g., where the field changes under the influence of the digitisation and technology.   
  • select and investigate issues from knowledge domains relevant to the artistic research at hand.  
  • connect to art-historical, art-theoretical, philosophical or other discursive contexts in the artistic research and reflection on it.  
Technical, Environmental & Contextual Issues  
  • deal with technical and material issues in the realisation and presentation of the research project in such a way that technical issues offer no impediment to the creation, realisation and expression of the artistic concept.   
  • show awareness of and ability to work with site-specific and other environmental issues in the presentation of the artistic research.  
  • are critically aware of issues at the interface between the interdisciplinary practices of art, media and technology and of the dynamic ways in which these disciplines interact.  
Re-thinking, Considering & Interpreting the Human  
  • develop an understanding of how the practice and/or creative work in the international fields of art, media and technology both stems from, and shapes, our humanity.  
  • demonstrate interpretative skills and a distinctive reflection of the human dimension in the intercultural practices of art, media and technology.   
Communication, Collaboration & Interdisciplinarity  
  • formulate an artistic research framework in cooperation with others in which artistic, scientific and technological components are combined.   
  • collaboratively formulate a research question/starting point - in relation to an artistic concept, a discursive framework and relevant research method(s).  
  • present this research plan and its first results to an audience in a fitting way.  
Initiative & Enterprise   
  • take responsibility for (their own role in) the development, realisation and presentation of a collaborative research project  
  • develop an understanding of how and collaborative artistic research practices -can contribute to creating new ideas, new technologies and/or creative content.   



Content for MADtech and Painting:

In cooperation with one another, students of the FMI and of the University of Groningen (KCM and K&A) develop experiments and research proposals, in which artistic, scientific and technological components have a place. MMM focuses on the formulation of research where art, science, media and materials meet, touching on areas relating to Image & Experience.   
MMM focuses on how media, materials, makers, and researchers interact during processes of art production, distribution and reception. It particularly explores the relation between traditional, digital, and post-digital materials & media, their technologies, and medium-specific aesthetics as well as the different experiences they afford. MMM is developed as a collaborative module of the MA Art History and the MA Arts, Culture & Media with the MAFAD programme of the FMI. The collaboration between the two institutions and their students enables a cross-fertilisation between concepts, frameworks, and working and research methods.   
The premise of the collaboration between the arts and science students is to get to know, study and improve each other’s concepts, frameworks and research methods. MMM consists of joint (and separate) lectures and working group and feedback sessions. Students of the different courses play several roles within this set-up. Artists of the FMI contribute to this research with artistic experiments, working methods and concept development.  
The instructional modes are action learning, lecture and guest lectures, and intervision. Active attendance, participation and presentation are mandatory to receive a total of 5 ECs.