Course: Engineering rules for medical devices credits: 5

Course code
Engineering rules for medical devices
Study year
ECTS credits
J. Zijlstra
Modes of delivery
  • Education
  • Engineering rules for medical devices - Assignment

Learning outcomes

The course deals with (not necessarily technical) aspects which are of specific importance for engineering  and bringing to the market of medical products. It consists of 3 parts: Medical Ethics, Ergonomics of Human Factors and Medical Device Regulation.

1.4.1 Medical Ethics 

Student can:

* recognize the different ethical theories and apply them to an arbitrary case
* deal with the ethical aspects associated with the professional and research practice
* compose an information and informed consent form in accordance with the regulations of the medical ethical committee
* analyze a medical-ethical or research-ethical problem, using a six-step process
* present a well-argued viewpoint on a medical-ethical or research-ethical case

1.4.2 Ergonomics of Human Factors

Student can:
* On a basic level identify, explain, and evaluate the impact of various personal attributes (physical, sensory, and cognitive HF aspects) 
* Analyse the effect of physical environment factors on comfort and performance
* Apply addressed human factors principles in design 

1.4.3 Medical Device Regulation MDR 

* understands the regulatory environment for the development of a medical device
* knows impact of MDR and CE for product design and use
* knows the route to obtain product conformity and approval by notified body
* knows the different risk classes of medical products
* is familiar with Safety Requirements and Technical Construction File
* can apply the Medical Device Regulation in medical product design



Medical Ethics 
The Ethics course gives an introduction to the theory of medical and research-ethics. The student takes note of a number of classical ethical approaches and can argue them on a medical-ethical and research-ethical case. 

Ergonomics of Human Factors
* An introduction to the scope of Human Factors (HF) and ergonomics
* Sensory HF: Physical environmental factors, heat, light and vibration and their measurement
* Physical HF: Anthropometrics as related to product and environment use
* Task analysis including all HF aspects, as tool for research and design
* Anatomy and biomechanics in relation to Human Factors

Medical Device Regulation MDR
Create awareness of dedicated legislation, concerning safety and quality, when designing and using medical devices.