Course: Theory of PSM credits: 4

Course code
Theory of PSM
Study year
ECTS credits
Dutch, with parts in English
Modes of delivery
  • Tutorial
  • Theory of PSM - Computer, organised by STAD examinations

Learning outcomes

Per theme, the student:
Theme: Purchasing department
  • explains the general core concepts of purchasing and uses them to describe the purchasing department's role in the organisation.
Theme: Supplier management
  • explains the core concepts of sourcing and supplier management and defines and analyses sourcing and supplier management strategies in simple cases.
Theme: Purchasing process
  • identifies the phases of the purchasing process along with their main objectives and obstacles and organises these phases in a simple case.
Theme: Purchasing analysis
  • draws conclusions from the results of a simple quantitative and/or qualitative purchasing analysis and supplies recommendations for purchasing policy and purchasing process improvements.
Theme: Purchasing process requirements
  • distinguishes between different purchasing organisation forms and advises on the most suitable form in simple situations.
  • identifies the purchasing procedures and purchasing information systems customarily used in organisations and what objectives they serve.
Theme: Strategy and policy
explains the concepts of purchasing maturity, purchasing policy, purchasing strategy and purchasing plan, and assesses these for consistency and professionalism in a simple case.


The student is familiar with and understands the theoretical underpinning a purchaser needs as regards purchasing theory.


  • Institute of Future Environments