Course: Graduation Project CMD credits: 30

Course code
Graduation Project CMD
Study year
ECTS credits
Dutch, with parts in English, English
C.J. Westerkamp
Modes of delivery
  • Graduation project
  • Graduation Project - Other assessment

Learning outcomes

  • You are able to map and understand the context of the problem, the wishes of the user, the objective of the client, the interests of stakeholders and the possibilities of the technology.
  • You come up with ideas and develop concepts for (interactive) products, services and experiences. It is about finding new ways to meet the wishes of users, the objectives of the client and other interests.
  • You are able to shape concepts and make them concrete in prototypes. You can fit your design into applicable standards and the company's product portfolio.
  • You are able to repeatedly test results that arise during different stages of the design process for their value and importance for the wishes of the user/client.
  • You are a self-conscious designer who can switch smoothly in the design process, who conduct thorough research and can use the results for an improved design.
  • You are enterprising and sensitve to organisations. You see opportunities and make them happen. Youorganise yourself and others and involve everyone in the innovation process.
  • You involve others from the team, from other disciplines, users and other stakeholders in the design. You understand the relationships and make sure everyone feels comfortable in the process.
  • You work from a personal commitment to society and from a drive to improve it. You know where you stand and how you can develop.


During graduation you show that you have mastered all the competencies of CMD at the final level. That is why you go through the design cycle as usual and you iterate from a problem (or opportunity or issue) up to and including an evaluated prototype. You prepare a graduation portfolio that consists of various components such as a prototype, a design process report, the evidence from the various phases of the design cycle and a reflection report (for a complete overview of the portfolio components, see the graduation manual). 

You can only start your graduation with a graduation assignment approved by the graduation coordinator. You will be coached in the search for that assignment and the preparation of the application form. This takes place during the Introduction Week Year 4 (start of the first semester), the Graduation Bootcamp (during period 1) and the Kick Start Graduation (first two weeks of the graduation semester). During the Kick Start Graduation you make a roadmap with a time planning. You will also formulate some learning goals. 

During your graduation you will be guided in a so-called Community of Learners, this is a group of 4 to 6 students with the same graduation supervisor. You will be assigned this for the graduation coordinator. 


You design an interactive and digital prototype/product and substantiate your process, so that you demonstrate that you possess the final competences of CMD at a high level. You look for the assignment yourself in the field of work. For the criteria that this assignment must meet, you should consult the graduation manual. Your graduation assignment must be approved by the graduation coordinator. You can decide for yourself what is the right entry point in the design cycle for your assignment: do you start with a problem or do you start with an existing product or prototype, or do you start with making a first prototype and then iterate from there? It is important that you iterate at least three times, the last time always being the iteration from your concept prototype (which you submit with your design process report) to your final prototype that you demonstrate during the final interview (the exam). You may also iterate more often, for example small iterations in the individual steps of the design cycle.


  • School of Communication, Media & IT