Course: International Branding credits: 5

Course code
International Branding
Study year
ECTS credits
N. Karabulut
Modes of delivery
  • Lecture
  • Tutorial
  • International Branding - Computer, organised by STAD examinations

Learning outcomes

The following competencies are assessed on level 3:

1. Context & strategy
PLO1: Analyse relevant developments for the organisation, monitor international and intercultural developments, and translate the implications for the organisation's communication policy.
Monitor recent developments in the national and international professional field as well in as the media landscape, and use these insights for the organisation’s communication strategy.

2. Target group & behaviour
PLO4: Evaluate the needs, wishes and (inter)cultural factors of all relevant stakeholders, and translate them into a professional product.

3. Concept & creation
PLO7: Account for the application of channels and (digital) tools in order to deliver communication suitable for the target group.
PLO8: Create relevant content and/or a prototype of a professional product, and substantiate the way that it is/they are tailored to the organisation's goals.

5. Persuasion & commitment
PLO10: Advise on the organisation's communication, taking into account the organisation's goals and communication strategy in a complex context.


As barriers preventing the exchange and integration of finances, trade and ideas across the world are falling, more and more companies are gaining the ability to operate on international level. Competition now extends beyond national borders. As a result, international marketing and brand management have become increasingly important. Marketing and branding decisions are intertwined, and each marketing decision has a determining effect on the brand image. As communication professionals, students will be challenged to translate these marketing decisions into effective marketing communication strategies. These strategies aim to create strong brands on a global level, covering both offline and online aspects, and thinking from the organization’s perspective. 

Therefore, the International Branding course emphasizes the evaluation and choice of strategic alternatives that best help to achieve organizational objectives in branding in a relatively complex international business environment. As such, the course focuses on equipping the student with tools and knowledge to assess the context, decide which markets to enter and how to enter them, and to translate the outcome of the company’s entry strategy into a clearly defined, dynamic branding strategy and branding programs. 
Highlighted subjects include:
  • The international marketing environment
  • Country selection process and market selection process
  • Building global brands,
  • Creating value for global brands
  • Online and social media strategies for brands

Included in programme(s)


  • School of Communication, Media & IT