Course: Professional Skills 2: Online Communication credits: 5

Course code
Professional Skills 2: Online Communication
Study year
ECTS credits
J.J. Kremers
Modes of delivery
  • Assignment
  • Practical / Training
  • Advisory Skills 2 - Other assessment
  • Language 2 - Other assessment

Learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes are developed at level 1:

2.4. Target group and Behaviour: The student learns to investigate the needs and wishes of the target group, and understand the contextual/cultural factors that affects the behaviour of the target group

3.8 Concept and Creation. The student learns to create relevant content tailored to the concept and the organisation's goals.

5.11. Persuasion and Commitment: The student learns to communicate orally and in writing in a correct, target group oriented, business-like and concise manner, and consequently create commitment.


The student continues to work on both writing and oral skills. The student learns to write web content and effective summaries. Conversational skills are developed by conducting interviews and by having an intake interview in the project. The student learns to communicate in a clear, target group oriented, and structured manner.
Next to that, students produce content that will be used as part of a content marketing strategy. This content should fit both the company and the target group. To produce the content, students learn the basics of photography, and of the programmes Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. Storytelling also plays an important role in this block.
Important questions are: What are the success factors for the use of visual imagery? For which channels do you design your content? What will your brand story be? What are the properties of a brand story? And how do you transform this brand story into attractive media?

Included in programme(s)


  • School of Communication, Media & IT