Minor Sustainable Energy Professional
The Minor focuses on what energy transition means in daily practice, but also how transition challenges are connected to broader aspects of social and economic developments and therefore need to be understood and intervened as interconnected systems. There is an integration of theory, practical application and reflection on personal development throughout the study. Students will develop their transition management competences throughout the programme, both in classroom settings and in a consultancy project.
The Minor is a 20 week multi-disciplinary programme offered by the International Business School with lecturers from the schools of International Business, Communication, Media and IT and Engineering to ensure an inter-disciplinary programme. The first 10 weeks are case-based workshops exploring energy transition developments in international contexts and transition systems perspectives whilst the second 10 weeks are based on a practical consultancy with EnTranCe/Living Lab Energy Transition.
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Minor Sustainable Energy Professionalcredits
Minor Sustainanble Energy Professional