Vak: Procedural Assets level 3 credits: 5

Procedural Assets level 3
ECTS credits
I. Plutschouw
  • Werkcollege
  • Procedural Assets level 3 - Overige toetsing


Learning Outcomes 

For this elective level 3 students have to write 5 personal learning outcomes that adapt to their level, development needs and the CMGT competencies. 

These learning outcomes must be clearly different from level 2 learning outcomes in the judgement of the lecturer of the course and require the approval of the course coordinator. 


Procedural generation using algorithms is an effective way of using available computing power to create unique assets, levels, worlds or even universes. This elective focuses on teaching students about the different methods of procedural generation available, how to use these methods and how these methods can help in creating unique experiences.  

The student will learn to set up their own use-case and implement specific learning goals. Starting with the exploration of the application and boundaries of a technique and the relevant software. First by replicating examples of procedural techniques and later applying different techniques in their own use-case. The solution to the use-case will be achieved by weighing the pros and cons of possible solutions and making the right design choices. These design choices are showcased in a presentation.  

The student will build a product that consists of multiple procedural generation methodologies (noise, scatter, parametric etc). The specific product can be a scene that is procedurally generated or a tool that can be used to create new procedural created assets (city builder etc.). The assessment product will be a showreel video of the product suitable for the professional portfolio.  

The entry requirement for this elective is that the student has passed level 2 of the elective. 

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  • Instituut voor Communicatie, Media & IT