Vak: Trainer/Coach 3 General (English taught) credits: 5

Trainer/Coach 3 General (English taught)
ECTS credits
R.M. van Rozen
  • Hoorcollege
  • Practicum / Training
  • Stage, werk
  • Werkcollege
  • Trainer/Coach 3 Algemeen - Overige toetsing


Learning path-independent learning outcomes that can be implemented at level 2 (main phase level) are:

Sports science:
LOLU 1 belonging to Sports Identity
LOLU 3 belonging to Coordinating, Positioning and Guiding
LOLU 4 belonging to Leadership / management and organization


The Trainer-coach works in recreational sports participation.
The trainer-coach's field of activity is a sports association or (commercial)
sports organization.

The most important task of the trainer-coach is to provide training.
The starting points are the wishes and (im)possibilities of the
athletes in relation to the association's goals. The athletes can play both youths
as adults. The trainer-coach is faced with the task of setting goals
to be achieved in the short and medium term. Through analysis, planning, execution and evaluation (at competitions and training sessions) he strives in a systematic manner after objectives.

The trainer-coach provides independent training, independently coaches athletes
Towards competitions, organizes activities independently.
The trainer-coach shares his knowledge and accompanies fellow trainer-coaches.
He is responsible for an atmosphere that offers athletes space for a
sporting development. He works in organizing activities together with
other executives and reports to the board.

The difference between this course and other TC 3 courses is that you are provided with content in the field of trainer/coach, but you do not conclude this process with a union diploma with civil effect. After a sufficient final assessment by the training teacher, the ALO/SK/SPS student meets the conditional graduation requirement in this way (i.e. participate at a sufficient level in a trainer course).

Study load: This course lasts one semester and requires 140 study hours.

Diploma or recognized certificate: No

Cost: €0

Study material: material from Trainer/coach 3 courses & blackboard

- The course takes place from period 1 to period 2.
- The course is offered on Friday afternoons between 12.30 and 16.00.
- Take into account any internships and lessons
- TIP: make sure you have a suitable (sports) internship address before registering. When you don’t have a suitable place to do the internship we will choose the place for yoy.

Registration is binding according to protocol Trainer/coach requirements (see blackboard course Trainer/coach Opleidingen Sportstudies)

Opgenomen in opleiding(en)


  • Instituut voor Sportstudies