Vak: Local Sport Policy credits: 5

Local Sport Policy
ECTS credits
R.M. van Rozen
  • Action learning
  • Gastcollege
  • Hoorcollege
  • Probleem gestuurd onderwijs
  • Werkcollege
  • Local Sport Policy - Professioneel product


LILO 5: Evaluation and advice 
The sports professional develops, advises on, implements and evaluates sports and exercise strategies and policies, under supervision. In doing so, the sports professional independently manages the policy cycle with a view to safeguarding and developing the continuity and quality of the sports and exercise products as well as the organisation itself. 
Competency Level 2 



Sport and physical activity are growing social and economic phenomena that make an important contribution to the European Union's strategic objectives of solidarity and prosperity. This is of course adapted to national and local level. 
Sport and physical activity attract European citizens, with a majority of people taking part in sporting activities and active leisure on a regular basis. It generates important values such as team spirit, solidarity, tolerance and fair play, contributing to an active lifestyle, personal development and fulfilment. It promotes the active contribution of citizens to society and thereby helps to foster active citizenship. 
The important role of sport and physical activity in European local communities and its specific nature were recognised in December 2000 in the European Council’s Declaration on the specific characteristics of sport and physical activity and their social function in Europe, which should be considered when implementing common policies (the "Nice Declaration"). In addition, sport and physical activity are increasingly recognised for their contribution to active (and in doing so; healthy) lifestyles. 
In this module, students will be challenged to develop innovative policies on a local level towards active lifestyles for citizens, taking into account knowledge of policymaking and population management that will be discussed in this course. A key question will be: ‘how can local policymakers and municipality governmental bodies influence populations on this matter in a positive way?’ 
This module comprises two short phases: 
Phase 1: training for understanding local policymaking on different governmental levels. Knowledge, insights and skills will be acquired during intensive seminars and by autonomous thorough study of literature and web sources. This phase will be concluded with an analysis of EU, national and local policy. This analysis will also be presented in a so called ‘Pechua Kucha’ 
Phase 2: Game on! Students will be submerged in a dynamic and intensive simulation game. In this game, students will have to react to real time events and tasks that are part of the policy context that they will be part of. This phase will be concluded with a policy report that results in presented advice for policymakers and politicians such as the alderman and members of the city council. 
During this semester, the student participates in Urban Sports. This provides students with first-hand physical experiences and understanding concerning new urban sports that are best suited to urban culture in big cities and that relate to the latest trends and developments in society. 
Students will receive formative feedback for all in between reports delivered and receive 1 grade (summative assessment) at the end.

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  • Instituut voor Sportstudies