Vak: Leadership in sports credits: 5

Leadership in sports
ECTS credits
G. van Dalfsen
  • Gastcollege
  • Hoorcollege
  • Opdracht
  • Werkcollege
  • Leadership in sports - Assessment


LILO 1: Identity of the sports professional (Competency Level 3) 
The sports professional uses reflection, knowledge and the experiences of others to develop their own professional identity in an inquisitive, enterprising and systematic manner, and so contributes to their own development, other professionals' development and the development of their field of study. 
LILO 2: Research and development (Competency Level 2) 
The sports professional is inquisitive when it comes to sport and exercise. They work methodically under supervision and take a healthy interest in improving the industry. They ask questions, analyse and interpret research results and conduct applied and design-based research, under supervision, in a given context. They use the knowledge and insights they have gained to develop appropriate sports and exercise products, under supervision. 
LILO 4: Leadership, management and organisation (Competency Level 3) 
Within a given context, the sports professional independently manages and organises proper business operations and the proper performance of duties, and shows an enterprising attitude while doing so. 



\Although leadership studies are relatively new as an academic discipline, leadership as a topic has been studied for thousands of years (Bolden, Hawkins, Gosling & Taylor, 2011). Starting in the early – to mid – twentieth century, initial research in the field of leadership endeavoured to explain leadership as a property of leaders. However, the presence of any or all of these traits does and did not make someone a leader, nor did the absence exclude that person from being the leader. In the following years, several theories were developed and various approaches to leadership can now be identified with varying degrees of focus on either the leader or follower, the interactive process between them, and/or the influence of the context. Recent leadership theory shifted the focus from the leader to leadership, emphasising the shared social process to which many people contribute (Pearce & Conger, 2003). 
Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to "lead", influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. The word "leadership" often gets viewed as a contested term (Grint, 2005). 
This module has two main objectives. On one hand it provides a common understanding about theories and concepts of leadership with an emphasis on individual - and team leadership. On the other hand, it provides (practical) insights into the question: “who are you as a leader?”.  
Bolden, R., Hawkins, B., Gosling J., & Taylor S. (2011). Exploring leadership. 
Individual, organizational & societal perspectives. Oxford: University Press, UK. 
Grint, Keith (2005). Leadership: Limits and Possibilities. London: Palgrave
Pearce, C.L. & Conger, J.A., (2003). Shared Leadership: Reframing the Hows and Whys of 
Leadership. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. 

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  • Instituut voor Sportstudies