Course: Native Design credits: 5

Course code
Native Design
Study year
ECTS credits
Dutch, with parts in English, English
M.W. Verweij
Modes of delivery
  • Tutorial
  • Native Design - Other assessment

Learning outcomes

A3. The CMD professional acquires the necessary knowledge from the domain, seeks out relevant theories, analyses new technological developments and has a clear understanding of their problem-solving potential.
(Level 1): The CMD professional interprets knowledge from the domain, seeks out relevant theories and analyses conventional techniques and has a clear understanding of their simple problem-solving potential.  

B1. The CMD professional is capable of generating creative ideas on the basis of the problem context, user and client wishes and can critically evaluate and weigh these ideas.
(Level 1): The CMD professional is capable of generating simple ideas and explains how they are related to the problem context, user and client wishes.

B2. The CMD professional is capable of generating a creative concept for a digital interactive product on the basis of acquired knowledge, independently generated ideas and the relevant problem context.
(Level 1): The CMD professional describes a simple concept for a digital interactive product on the basis of acquired knowledge, independently generated ideas and the relevant problem context.

C1. The CMD professional elaborates digital interactive prototypes from ‘low-fidelity’ to ‘high-fidelity’, using prototype development methods and techniques.
(Level 1): The CMD professional elaborates under guidance simple digital interactive prototypes and using simple prototype development methods and techniques.

C2. The CMD professional applies acquired knowledge of man-machine interaction in the prototype.
(Level 1): The CMD professional describes the way knowledge of man-machine interaction is processed in the prototype.

C3. The CMD professional applies multimedia and media technology in aid of the design process.
(Level 1): The CMD professional applies under guidance simple multimedia and media technology in aid of the design process.


In the fourth block of Learning CMD, students think about human-machine interaction outside the screen. With Native Design, students can choose from different assignments, which challenge students to shape an interaction with digital technology, but also to think "outside" the screen and the computer. For designing a prototype (CD) they are given theories (BOK) and to make the interaction in the prototype working, the students learn to program or work with microboards (CT).

The assignment is tested by showing the working prototype during the demonstration, which also includes a document in which the design decisions are explained and a substantiation is given.