Course: Personal Leadership 4 credits: 5

Course code
Personal Leadership 4
Study year
ECTS credits
G. Posthumus
Modes of delivery
  • Tutorial
  • Personal Leadership 4 - Portfolio assessment

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes:
The student identifies his own development need and necessity with regard to personal and professional identity as a facility professional.
The student formulates, based on requested feedback, learning objectives that contribute to the further development of his personal and professional identity.
The student takes decisions regarding the interpretation of the route for his third year of study, which are a logical continuation of the development line included in the development portfolio.
The student works independently on the development of his personal and professional identity by using collected feedback and evidence.
The student applies the insights from the analysis in the first semester in his professional attitude and behavior. In doing so, the student is attentive to norms, values, and ethical dilemmas encountered as a facility professional.  
Practical information  
Course code: IFVB22PLE4  
Course type: Course material  
Credit: 5 EC  

Working Forms  
Personal Leadership/Student Coaching: training, individual interviews, COL interviews  
Component World Citizenship: training course/work lectures  
Development portfolio and development interview  
Minimum mark A satisfactory result  
Result scale ALFANUMERIC  
 Contact person for the course: Gea Posthumus  
 Teachers:  Student coaches for PL/Student coaching: Trude Roelofsen


Personal Leadership - IFVB22PLE4  
In Personal Leadership, a student develops a plan for the development of their personal and professional identity as a facility professional and global citizen. The student reflects on all experiences inside and outside the program in the development portfolio and supports this with evidence. The discussion with the student coach about the portfolio helps in making choices for the third year of study and makes clear what the learning goals for the next phases in the program are.