Course: Behaviour & communication-8 credits: 1

Course code
Behaviour & communication-8
Study year
ECTS credits
Dutch, with parts in English
F. van der Werf
Modes of delivery
  • Tutorial
  • written test - Computer, organised by School

Learning outcomes

LU-S. 0..: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to properly fulfill the role of collaborator.
LU-S. 1.1.: In the context of developing, implementing and evaluating the (medical) policy, within mono- and multidisciplinary teams and collaborative processes, the student can position himself/herself as a novice professional.
LU-S. 3.2: The student takes initiative to optimize the continuity of care within the care chain in cooperation with professionals.

LU-L. 0.: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to adequately fulfill the role of manager.
LU-L. 1.2.: The student organizes his own work within his medical practice in such a way that the quality of his work is not compromised.
LU-L. 3.1.: The student can, as an Entrepreneurial professional in the context of social and political developments and their influence on the Dutch health care system, perform an analysis of his own organization.
LU-L. 3.2.: As an Entrepreneurial professional, the student can contribute to the development/adjustment of policy within a health care organization in order to adequately respond to social and political developments.
LU-L. 3.3.: The student can, as an Entrepreneurial professional, apply the implications of policy changes based on social and political developments within the internship-granting institution/practicum.

LU-P. 0..: During in-school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to properly fulfill the role of professional.

LU-C. 0..: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to properly fulfill the role of communicator.
LU-C.3.1.: The student can, in understandable language and according to the rules of professional communication, have a conversation with the patient, his relatives and/or other involved parties of the patient, taking into account their cultural background.
LU-C.4.1.: The student can, in the context of a medical consultation, independently discuss the results of the medical examination/treatment in language that is understandable for the patient and in accordance with the rules of professional communication.
LU-C.5.2.: The student can independently explain the treatment proposal supported by caregivers in an advisory/counseling conversation in language comprehensible to the patient and in accordance with the rules of professional communication.

Societal conduct
LU-MH. 0.: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the contingent knowledge to adequately perform the role of a health advocate.
LU-MH.1.1.: In the context of prevention, the student can independently provide information to a group of interested parties in public health in understandable language and in accordance with the rules of professional communication.
LU-MH.1.2.: The student can, in the context of indicated and/or care-related prevention, independently give information to patients and their relatives and/or other involved parties, in understandable language and according to the rules of professional communication.


In the course Behavior and Communication, which is part of the learning trajectory of Medical  Practice, we work on the professional CanMEDs roles of communicator, collaborator, organizer/manager, and  (professional) public leadership. In addition, Healthy Ageing forms the theoretical framework on which health behavior in all phases of life (read: from preconception to the end of life) is addressed. Central to this is how medical care can connect to these questions in an integrated way. Students are encouraged to develop a vision of how they can contribute to positive health and self-management of the patient as healthcare professionals. Attention is paid to communication skills through discussion and conversation linked to specific complex care questions: sexuality, problematic parenting situations, SOLK complaints, and palliative care. Through role-play, interdisciplinary consultation with the neighborhood team, and directing theatre concerning discussions with family, attention is paid to discussing and practicing dealing with specific and complex care questions. Topics to be dealt with follow the cases and patient problems discussed during the clinical medicine lectures.

Included in programme(s)


  • School of Health Care Studies