Course: Clinical Medicine & Pharmacotherapy:Processing & Behaviour-practical credits: 2

Course code
Clinical Medicine & Pharmacotherapy:Processing & Behaviour-practical
Study year
ECTS credits
Dutch, with parts in English
A.S. Jaarsma
Modes of delivery
  • Practical / Training
  • Tutorial
  • Consultation report - Report
  • Conversation - Performance assessment
  • Pscribe - Assignment

Learning outcomes

Medical expertise
LU-MD. 0..: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to properly perform the role of medical expert.
LU-MD.1.1.: As a medical expert, the student independently performs the diagnostic process in the context of common conditions and tailored to patients' presented health problems and requests for help.
LU-MD.1.2.: As a medical expert, the student will be able to formulate a treatment proposal in the context of common disorders and attuned to patients' presented health problems and requests for help.

LU-C.0.: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to adequately perform the role of communicator.
LU-C.2.1.: The student can independently record the data from an anamnesis and follow-up examination in a paper and/or digital file as part of a medical consultation within a Teaching Learning Situation.
LU-C.4.1.: The student can, within the framework of a medical consultation, independently discuss the results of the medical examination/treatment in language that is understandable for the patient and in accordance with the rules of professional communication.

Societal conduct
LU-MH. 0.: During within school activities, the student demonstrates the conditional knowledge to adequately fulfill the role of health advocate.
LU-MH.2.1.: The student is able to appreciate relevant new developments and insights that affect his professional practice for the benefit of health-oriented, integrated care.

LU-P.3.1.: The student can independently act professionally in an ethically responsible manner in accordance with the medical, legal and professional obligations applicable to the profession.


In addition to the Behavior and Communication course, the Clinical Medicine & Pharmacotherapy course is part of the learning trajectory Medical Practice. In this course PHLM19KGFT5-P "Processing & Behavior" common psychiatric patient problems, along with developmental and addiction problems, are the central themes for learning the medical diagnostic process. Through tutorials and practical training sessions students learn clinical reasoning and how to act. This includes being able to compile logically and implement a pharmacotherapeutic treatment plan. This includes the ability to logically justify and execute a pharmacotherapeutic treatment plan.

Included in programme(s)


  • School of Health Care Studies