
Toegekend diploma
Bachelor of Education
48 maanden
ECTS credits
Niveau eindkwalificatie
  • Pedagogische Academie
  • Groningen

Primary Teacher Education


The Bachelor degree programme Education in Primary Schools comprises 240 ECTS credits (a first-year programme of 60 ECTS credits and a main phase programme of 180 ECTS credits).
The programme is composed of (210 ECTS credits) compulsory units and (30 ECTS credits) elective units and is practice-orientated. A work placement/work placements (36 ECTS credits) and other practical components form an essential and compulsory part of this degree programme. Students are also required to complete a teacher placement (29 ECTS credits).
The degree programme equips the student with the competences required of a professional in the field of Education in Primary Schools. These are:
  1. Being interpersonally competent.
  2. Creating a safe learning environment when teaching groups and in lessons.
  3. Having sufficient knowledge of subject matter and teaching methods.
  4. Taking care of all aspects of classroom management.
  5. Contributing toward a positive climate of pedagogical learning in the school, encouraging a high level of mutual cooperation and facilitating the organisation of the school.
  6. Keeping in touch with the children’s parents or guardians, making sure that professional actions are consistent with those of others outside the school. The graduate contributes to, and encourages, close collaboration with people and institutions in the school’s working environment, whenever this is to children’s advantage.
  7. Working on their personal and professional development. Graduates are able to reflect on their professional opinions and develop their competences.
This programme offers the following specialisations:
  • Older Child
  • Young Child


The Bachelor degree programme Education in Primary Schools comprises 240 ECTS credits (a first-year programme of 60 ECTS credits and a main phase programme of 180 ECTS credits).
The programme is composed of (210 ECTS credits) compulsory units and (30 ECTS credits) elective units and is practice-orientated. A work placement/work placements (36 ECTS credits) and other practical components form an essential and compulsory part of this degree programme. Students are also required to complete a teacher placement (29 ECTS credits).
The degree programme equips the student with the competences required of a professional in the field of Education in Primary Schools. These are:
  1. Being interpersonally competent.
  2. Creating a safe learning environment when teaching groups and in lessons.
  3. Having sufficient knowledge of subject matter and teaching methods.
  4. Taking care of all aspects of classroom management.
  5. Contributing toward a positive climate of pedagogical learning in the school, encouraging a high level of mutual cooperation and facilitating the organisation of the school.
  6. Keeping in touch with the children’s parents or guardians, making sure that professional actions are consistent with those of others outside the school. The graduate contributes to, and encourages, close collaboration with people and institutions in the school’s working environment, whenever this is to children’s advantage.
  7. Working on their personal and professional development. Graduates are able to reflect on their professional opinions and develop their competences.
This programme offers the following specialisations:
  • Older Child
  • Young Child


Primary Teacher Educationcredits

Jaar 3 Opleiding tot leraar basisonderwijs 60

één van de onderstaande onderdelen

Jaar 4 Opleiding tot leraar basisonderwijs 60