Vak: Design Graduation Year - Graduation Project credits: 25

Design Graduation Year - Graduation Project
ECTS credits
Engels, Nederlands
N.H. Karst
  • Gastcollege
  • Individueel
  • Intervisie
  • Zelfstudie
  • Graduation project - Presentatie


C1. Creative capacity
The student can make authentic visual work that stems from research and which demonstrates artistic vision. The visual work creates meaning and results from the designer’s personal ambition.
C2. Capacity for critical reflection
The student is able to research his own work and working methods, as well as those of others, through contemplating it, analysing, problematizing, positioning, and assessing it.
C3. Capacity for growth and innovation
The student is able to continue to develop and deepen his own work and method of working, and in doing so provides a contribution to the development of the profession, the field, culture, and society.
C4. Organisational capacity
The student can set up and maintain an inspiring and professional work situation.
C5. Communicative capacity
The student can formulate his ideas, concepts, work, method of working, and artistic vision to professionals and the public in and outside of the field.
C6. Environmental focus
The student is able to relate actively and critically to the context he finds himself in with his work.
C7. Capacity to cooperate
The student is able to actively contribute to the realisation of an artistic product or process by working independently within a collaborative setting.



Het thema van deze onderwijseenheid is het samenkomen van de leerlijn Ontwerpen en Onderzoek en de leerlijn Ontwerpen en Techniek. De student past alle opgedane kennis toe voor het maken van een of meerdere ontwerp- en of onderzoekswerken. Daarbij komen de volgende aspecten aan de orde:
  • Ontwerpmethodiek
  • Beeldgrammatica/Beeldanalyse
  • Onderzoekmethodiek
  • Analoge en digitale technieken
  •      Maakprocessen
  •      Materiaalonderzoek
  •      Theorie
  • analoge en digitale technieken